$> man42.net Blog written by a human

# Content

  1. Introduction
  2. General Statistics
  3. Friendship Ratings
  4. Relationship Ratings
  5. Socionics Intertype Ratings

# Introduction

A reddit user named ashirviskas started an MBTI survey about friendship and relationship and shared the results here.

I wanted to gather some insights from the data so I generated the following statistics.

Note about the statistics:

  • Mostly intuitive types responded to the survey (hence the majority of data being about their interactions).
  • There is about a thousand answers, which means that only some of the relationship matchups get enough data to draw meaningful insights.
  • I've used a wilson confidence interval to compute the results. It's a useful tool to communicate both the average ratings we got and how confident we are that the average will stay in this range even if we collect thousands of new answers. The wider the error bar is the less we are confident about the data we have (we need to get more people sharing their own experience about this matchup). The narrower the bar is, the more significant the tendency is (we can draw a more meaningful conclusion based on if this matching is generally a good one or not).

I am reachable through the comments section below :)

Share your own experience with us: Take the survey!

Have a nice read!

Post updated: 2017-12-04

This page is just an experiment without enough data to draw significant results, it has no scientifical validity whatsoever.

Data source: CSV - Survey - Original Reddit post

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1. Introduction 2. General Statistics
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